#19 MARGINAL 65TH INFANTERIA 2, San Agustin (Urbanizacion), San Juan, Puerto Rico 00923
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#19 MARGINAL 65TH INFANTERIA 2 San Agustin (Urbanizacion) San Juan Puerto Rico (xP) , 00923
Large premises on the second level, with a large reception area, terrace, 3 closed spaces, 4 open areas, 2 bathrooms, storage area, work on the facia, new central air and lots of exposure. P... Large premises on the second level, with a large reception area, terrace, 3 closed spaces, 4 open areas, 2 bathrooms, storage area, work on the facia, new central air and lots of exposure. Perfect for administrative office, beauty salon, school, among others. Call today for an appointment,..
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Marquesa realty

#19 MARGINAL 65TH INFANTERIA 2 San Agustin (Urbanizacion) San Juan Puerto Rico (xP) , 00923
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Marquesa realty