Frequently Asked Questions

Yes of course! You can upload all the listings you want for free, with unlimited photos, including virtual and 3D tours.

By upgrading your listings you have greater visibility and are in the first places of the search results. You are also in the Top Listings on the main page of

The Exclusive Listing is the only listing that is in the first place of the results page. It is exclusive because there is only 1 per town or city. It also stands out more than the others, due to the size of its photos and previous photos.

Prime Listing is 1 listing that will be at the top of the result page under the Exclusive Listing. It has previous photos for further exposure and is also in the Top Listings on the main page. If there is no Exclusive Listing, the Prime Listings will be the first.

Offer for 3 listings under the Prime Listing category.

Once you choose the upgrade (s) you want, you go to property management and select the listings that you want to have more visibility.

By having your listings upgraded, advertising your open houses is free. Press the ad icon, set the date and time and that's it. You will appear on the main page of

So that more prospects can get you, you will manage the plans and select Top Professionals, this way you will be on the main page and in the first places of the result page.

Just copy / paste the link of your videos, Reels, TikTok, 3D tours, etc. and ready.